(Letter from Advo sent via email) It's finally here. It's finally available. My mixtape. (drum roll) ..... "BARMAGGEDON" ....Lol. I wanted to go a little darker on this one. A little more street then "Point Of No Return". It's been a rough few years for everyone. I felt like another "Point Of No Return" wouldn't exactly stamp the times we are living in. I know alot of you get a million emails with people saying download my new cd ...blah blah blah ... but I am gonna be honest ... this is a masterpiece. The total package ... lyrics, beats, and most of all concepts. Take the few seconds to download this. This is one of the best mixtapes you will ever hear .... yes .... that you will ever hear. Right now you can download it free at this link http://www.zshare.net/download/554890210aabca7a/# . I have a song called "Trading Places" (which is actually a leak off my album) .... in this song I trade places with a victim that died in a horrible tragedy ..for example 911, V.A. Tech Massacre, and Hurricane Katrina and have them tell there unheard story through me. I have a song "9678" WHICH RECAPS MY FAVORITE YEARS IN HIPHOP! 1996,1997, and 1998. This joint will bring back memories trust me. You can see the video for this song here. I have joints for the ladies like "Better Then Me" and "Just Wanna Know Remix". And of course the street anthem "Soldya Muzik (Lie Detector). The list goes on. You can hear individual songs off the mixtape at my myspace or at my website www.thadvocate.com.
Also, on the same day as my release we (Myself and Ballerstatus) dropped Digital Dynasty Vol. 5 With Crooked I. You can read the article and download that mixtape aswell at this link.
Once you download my mixtape and hear it ... if you want to purchase a high quality cd, with case and cover (and shipping included for only 5 bucks) you can do so by clicking here
or you can visit cdbaby.com to get it at this link.
I value everyones support with me through this journey. Right now I am headed to the lab to put some work in for "Designed To Be Signed". Once you hear it holla with some feedback!
Want the High Quality CD? To buy a physical copy of the mixtape click button below !
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